
EcoStruxure™ Building Operation Alert Notification
Published by Control See Ltd


  • Receive EBO alarms via SMS in any language
  • Receive EBO system alarms via VoIP
  • Receive EBO alarms via WhatsApp
  • Receive instant EBO Push alarms on your phone, tablet or PC
  • EcoStruxure™ Enterprise Server Watch-dog
  • Be notified in real-time when Schneider Electric's SmartConnector is stopped
  • Query or modify any EBO value remotely
  • Export EBO Alarms and Values
  • Remotely acknowledge EBO alarms
  • Inhibit UCME-SmartConnector™ alerts using EBO Values
  • Telephone Voice Call-Out
  • Alarm collaboration
  • Alarm escalation & reminders
  • SMS redundancy

Receive EBO alarms via SMS in any language

Once an alarm is started or ended in the EBO or in the connected controllers, an SMS (in any language) will be sent to your cellphone.
Receive EBO alarms via SMS in any language

Receive EBO system alarms via VoIP

Once an alarm is started or ended in the EBO, UCME-SmartConnector™ will generate phone calls to all recipients. If the line is busy or no-answer, UCME-SmartConnector™ will retry until the call is answered or until the retry-count is reached.
Receive EBO system alarms via VoIP

Receive EBO alarms via WhatsApp

Once an alarm is started or ended in the EBO, UCME-SmartConnector™ will send a WhatsApp message to alarm recipients. Once the WhatsApp alarm is viewed by the recipient, UCME-SmartConnector™ is notified so you can know when it was read.
Receive EBO alarms via WhatsApp

Receive instant EBO Push alarms on your phone, tablet or PC

  • Receive alarms within 1 second
  • Distinguish between different alarm priorities
  • Distinguish between alarm messages and SMS
  • Acknowledge alarms and stop escalations
  • 7,500 messages per month – free of charge
  • Message length: 500 characters vs. 70 or 160 in SMS
  • Send an alarm to a group – all recipients receive it at the same time
  • Receive alarms in: iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and desktops
  • Easy alarm Acknowledge and Reminder
  • Red alarms (Emergency) are more important to handle
  • Receive instant EBO Push alarms on your phone, tablet or PC

    EcoStruxure™ Enterprise Server Watch-dog

    Schneider Electric's Enterprise Server service is a critical component of your EBO system. When this service is not running, one should take a corrective action ASAP.
    UCME-SmartConnector monitors this service and will notify you in real-time when the service is stopped. When the problem is resolved, additional notification will be sent.
    EcoStruxure™ Enterprise Server Watch-dog

    Be notified in real-time when Schneider Electric's SmartConnector is stopped

    Schneider Electric's SmartConnector service is a critical component of your EBO system. When the service is not running, one should fix the problem ASAP.
    UCME-SmartConnector™ can send remote notifications, letting you know about the problem.
    In addition, when the problem is resolved, additional notification can be sent.
    Be notified in real-time when Schneider Electric's SmartConnector is stopped

    Query or modify any EBO value remotely

    Using your cellphone, you can quickly query or modify any EBO value remotely. Simply send a text message to UCME-SmartConnector™ which will reply within few seconds.
    You must be authorized in UCME-SmartConnector™ to perform such an action.
    Query or modify any EBO value remotely

    Export EBO Alarms and Values

    Using the UCME-SmartConnector™ extension, you may easily import your EBO alarms into UCME.
    All alarms defined in the EBO and in the remote controllers are imported.
    No need to redefine your alarms. Changes in the EBO alarms will be available following the import process.
    The import process takes few seconds only.
    Once the import is completed, EBO alarms and values will be displayed in UCME-SmartConnector™, letting you define alarm recipients, schedules etc.
    Export EBO Alarms and Values

    Remotely acknowledge EBO alarms

    Acknowledge EBO alarms remotely using your cellphone via SMS or Push.
    The acknowledge information will be sent to all relevant maintenance team members. This improves the communication & efficiency of the maintenance team and double work is avoided.
    Remotely acknowledge EBO alarms

    Inhibit UCME-SmartConnector™ alerts using EBO Values

    If recipients receive too many alarms, including false alarms (such as when equipment is under maintenance), then they become overwhelmed or insensitive to the alarms and miss important problems.
    UCME-SmartConnector™ can help you minimize false alarms by defining an 'EBO Inhibit Value' per alarm or per a group of alarms.
    The EBO operator can easily change an EBO value and inhibit the alarm. Alarms may be displayed in the EBO's Alarm list, however UCME-SmartConnector™ will not notify the recipients when an inhibited alarm starts or ends.

    Telephone Voice Call-Out

    UCME-SmartConnector™ utilizes the Dialogic telephony board to generate phone calls. Once the phone call is answered, the recipient can listen to the alarm voice and optionally acknowledge the alarm.
    UCME-SmartConnector™ may escalate the alarm to the next recipient if no answer or busy line was detected.
    UCME-SmartConnector™ may optionally play an EBO value during the call.
    Telephone Voice Call-Out

    Alarm collaboration

    Control systems needs alert notification functionality. This is mandatory in most cases. UCME-SmartConnector™ is not only an alert notification software. It is also a remote collaboration system.
    Each remote action performed by the maintenance team members is automatically forwarded to the other maintenance team members.
    For example:
    Alarm was acknowledged. By who? And when?
    An EBO value was remotely modified. By who? And when?
    The collaboration feature improves the communication between the maintenance team members, improves the service quality and helps to avoid double work.
    Alarm collaboration

    Alarm escalation & reminders

    Sending EBO alarms via Email or SMS is nice, but not good enough. UCME-SmartConnector™ waits for an acknowledgment from the recipients.
    If the acknowledgement is not received within a predefined time, the alarm will be escalated to the next recipient in the list, ensuring that it will not "fall between the chairs".
    In addition, UCME-SmartConnector™ can send alarm reminders if the alarm is still active and/or not acknowledged ensuring that critical alarms are not ignored.

    SMS redundancy

    If UCME-SmartConnector™ fails to send a text message (SMS) via the primary cellular modem (for example: a faulty GSM cellular modem), it will automatically switch to a fallback modem (for example: a CDMA cellular modem). This functionality reduces the chances that a text message will not be sent. As a result, the system reliability is increased.
    SMS redundancy
    Unauthorised background image

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