Ility for EcoStruxure™ Building Data Platform

More effective property management
Published by, Inc.


  • ility for EcoStruxure Building Data Platform

ility for EcoStruxure Building Data Platform

Below is a list of ility features that have been designed to work with the Schneider Electric Building Data Platform in order to support property management.
Access control
  • The Access control module provides an option for users to initiate access control through the use of a mobile app. This module is particularly useful for tenants and employees who need to access certain areas of the building regularly.
Safety messages module
  • The Safety messages module is designed to provide users with alerts and notifications from building systems during emergencies. This module ensures that users are informed of any hazardous situations and can take necessary precautions to stay safe.
Visitor management
  • The Visitor management module allows users to register visitors using a mobile app. This feature is beneficial for building administrators and security personnel who need to keep track of visitors and ensure that only authorized individuals are granted access to the building.
Ticketing module
  • The Ticketing module enables tenants to submit maintenance tickets through the mobile app for allocation and tracking by building staff. This module streamlines the process of reporting issues and requesting maintenance work, ensuring that tenant requests are addressed promptly.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) data visualization module
  • The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) data visualization module allows users to view IAQ data collected by building operational systems. This feature provides users with information related to the air quality within the building, which is critical for ensuring a healthy and safe environment for occupants.
Occupancy information module
  • The Occupancy information module provides users with access to occupancy data collected by building operational systems. With this module, users can view real-time data about the number of occupants in the building, which is particularly useful for building administrators who need to ensure compliance with occupancy limits and regulations.
Utility data visualization module
  • The Utility data visualization module enables users to view utility data such as electric, water, and gas usage, available through building operational systems. This feature is useful for building administrators and tenants who need to monitor their energy usage and identify areas for improvement.
Comfort control module
  • The Comfort control module allows users to control the temperature, interior lighting, and natural lighting (blinds) of bookable spaces such as meeting rooms. This module ensures that users are comfortable during their stay in the bookable spaces, thereby enhancing their overall experience.
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